Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Going to School

My son has started Pre-K. My husband and I debated a lot over the past couple of months on whether or not to send him to public school. Still a bit unsure, we went ahead and sent him to public school. Today makes the third day of school and I am still unhappy with my decision.

So far, my son loves school. He tells me everyday that school was awesome. I know I should feel better when he tells me this, but I don't. The house is way too quiet during the day while he is at school and I am so bored. I try to keep myself busy doing housework but it's still way too quiet. Am I the only parent that feels like this?

People have been telling me that I have to give my child independence and let him grow up. I don't mind giving him independence but it's really hard to watch my baby grow up. Time went by so fast that I never stopped to realize he was growing up. One day it just hit me that my baby was now a big kid. So, hopefully I will get through this school thing. Are there any parents out there that feel the way I do? Do you hate being in a silent house all day and wish your child was home with you? Is there someone out there that experienced this but has overcome? Please let me know your thoughts. Any advice is welcome. Thanks!

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the read. Honestly you covered the topic and broadly examined all areas:)
