Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How does a Paraplegic Carry a Baby?

The number one question that I asked myself when I found out that I was pregnant was "How am I going to carry a baby in a wheelchair?" I scoured the internet for information on paraplegics with children, but found nothing. My husband and I began to do research and came up with a solution. I would carry my baby using a Baby Carrier. I began to make this idea known to family and friends and ended up with several different types of carriers. I tried them all, but decided my favorite carrier was the Snugli brand carrier. See photo below...

I always wore my carrier in the front with the babys head facing the front. Once I encountered a terrifying incident where I had my babys face towards my chest and he stopped breathing. My advice is to keep the babys face away from your body until he is older. I used the Snugli until ZJ was able to sit up on his own. At that point I sat him in my lap while rolling around. Of course when I went out of the house, I would strap him in with a belt. I would simply wrap a belt around him and I making sure the belt wasnt too tight. This holds the child close to you and helps prevent him falling out of your lap while in motion.

These days ZJ still prefers to ride in my lap. Most of the time I have to beg him to walk. The situation is actually quite comical to me. Sometimes I wonder if he would rather use a wheelchair than walk. I am convinced that my two year old thinks the cool thing to do these days is roll around in a wheelchair.

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