Wednesday, November 21, 2012

All Terrain Wheelchair and Paranoia

This weekend our church hosted a bonfire with hayrides and live music. The Bonfire was located on a farm out in the middle of nowhere. We have this event once a year. As much fun as it is, a part of me always dreads this event. I know you're asking yourself why. Why would anyone not want to go to a bonfire? Why would anyone not want to get a hayride? Why would anyone not want to see farm animals and listen to live music? Well the truth is I don't like to get my wheels dirty. As funny as it sounds, you have no idea how much dirt is on a farm not to mention the animal poop.

So I went to the Bonfire and I had a great time as usual. Just like I imagined there were lots of dirt and poop. I decided that maybe I need to get an all terrain wheelchair for instances like this. I looked them up on google and they are quite exciting. Check out this photo below...

Another issue I faced at the Bonfire was fear. Everytime we are around anything dangerous I watch ZJ like a hawk. Me and him petted the horses and I was ok. Then my husband wanted him to ride the horses. THIS was not ok with me. My cousin actually owns the horses. She is involved in many extra cirricualr activities that involve horses, so she is very experienced. My answer to her was still no. My husband sat ZJ on top of the horse anyway and to my relief he didn't want to ride. I got out of that one easy. I'm working on a few videos so you can see a video of me and ZJ with the horse soon....

Later on that evening when it got dark the hayride started. The smaller children were to ride first. Once again my husband wanted ZJ to ride and I didn't. He didn't take no for answer. He ran off with ZJ and joined the others for the hayride. Everyone returned in one piece and had a great time. I obviously have somethings to work on. Letting go of my little one is definately hard. After experiencing a tramatic, life changing injury myself I find it hard to believe nothing bad can happen. I'm working on letting go of my fears to enjoy life to the fullest. Incase you're wondering I did not ride the hayride or the horses. Maybe next time.


  1. I think you need horses. Horses are used in all sorts of therapy. Please take advantage of any horse opportunity. You are holding back ZJ with your fear(not fair) ... once you learn all the wonders that will unfold for you in a horse therapy program ... and you will relish the dirt and poop on your wheels! LOVE

  2. Did you buy that track chair? I have been looking for a wheelchair a track chair just like you have pictured there where did you find it? I have been looking on the Internet and can't find a place that sells one but you have pictured there. Do you have a URL for a place that sells those?

  3. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table,but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

    Rodeo Wheelchair with Spoke Wheel
